Monday, June 22, 2009

One of Liberia’s Longest Serving Medical Doctors Celebrates His 80th Birthday- A Brief Profile

Dr. G standing third from left 1955 and lower right corner, in his lab at Cuttington College

Dr. G, as he is affectionately called, had moments of joy and reflection as he celebrated his 80th birthday on Saturday, June 20. Born in 1929, Dr Kanda Golafale started his elementary school in his hometown of Damballah in1939, and after three, he enrolled at the Mbaloma mission school where he graduated from the 8th grade in1946.
From 1946-1951, Dr. Golafale attended and graduated from the famous St.Johns Episcopal High School in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia. It was father E. Bolling Robertson who took him to St.Johns. He immediately enrolled at the Cuttington College (Now Cuttington University) in 1952 and graduated in 1955 with B.Sc in chemistry. Kanda is thankful to Madam Catherine C. Barnabay, his chemistry teacher at St.Johns, who guided him to develop interest in the sciences. He returned to St. Johns and taught biology and Latin for beginners for six months at which time he received a scholarship jointly sponsored by the Liberian Government and the Federal Republic of west Germany-Deutsher Akademisher Austausch Dienst (DAAD) as the program was called. This was in 1957.
Dr.Golafale enrolled at the University of Heidelberg Medical School in 1957.since he had two years of German class at Cuttington College, he immediately started med-school without having to go through a language class as this was required for foreign students. After a student excursion trip to Berlin in 1957, he fell in love with the city, and he decided to matriculate to the Free University of Berlin in 1958 where he graduated in 1964 with a medical degree (MD).
After two years of internship, Dr.G came back to Liberia and worked at theLiberia Government Hospital in 1966 for six months. He again received a scholarship to go to West Germany to specialize in general surgery. From 1962-1972, Dr. G received his training at the Staedtisdes Krankenhaus Spandau Nord under Prof. Baukhage.
Dr. G came back to Liberia in 1972 and worked as a general surgeon at many medical facilities in Liberia including the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital where he served the position as Chief medical Officer. During the period under review, he visited the Guy’s Hospital in London for a refresher course in medicine for three months.
Dr. G was retired in 2006 at the age of 77 after serving as medical director at the Redemption Hospital for eight years.
He now works as a private consultant at his Tweh Farm’s residence in Monrovia.
Dr Kanda Golafale is Liberia’s oldest practicing medical doctor. During his speech at his birthday celebration, he remembered the following people who made positive impact in his life as a student and a professional. The following persons include: His mother Nyamgbey Golafale, A. Tamu Diggs who taught him ABC, Oldman Kinni Freeman and B. K. Metzger who served as fathers, Father E. Bolling Robertson, Catherine C. Barnabay, Dr. Arthur F. Kulah Bishop Emeritus, United Methodist Church, Prof. Gunther Hartmann of Free Univerity of Berlin, and Rev. Dr.James Karmbor of the United Methodist church.
He grew up as an Episcopalian but now a Methodist. He is married with four children: Jaa, Saki, Mike Tango, and Jamba.

To know more about Dr. Kanda
Golafale, keep reading this blog!

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